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You Were Made for a Beautiful Life


Welcome to Life with Christ is Beautiful!
We help women on their journey towards a more beautiful life!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Coaching/Mentoring the same thing as Counseling?

Christian coaching and mentoring is not meant to be or replace psychological counseling.

I'm not so sure what I believe, if I believe, or if I even trust this Jesus guy, is that okay?

Yes! Girl, we've been there. You are welcome here wherever you are on this life journey. We can talk about faith as little or as much as you prefer.

Do you have any more details about the sessions?

Meeting can be either on Zoom or, if possible, in person.  All meetings are 100% confidential.



Here are some examples of what kind of session you can choose:


  1. I need an ear and maybe a shoulder, not a solution: You may share what is on your mind and heart. It is amazing what insight we gain when we can honestly say what is on our minds out loud to another person, especially someone who is not part of our daily lives and will not judge us. I have mentors that I go to when I need to talk through something and they have been a Godsend. I want to pay that forward to someone else!

  2. I am desiring more but feel stuck or in a funk: Let's find out what is in your way and work through it. Stop keeping it all inside, bottled up. They say the first step is admitting you've got a problem. Guess what? We all get stuck and down sometimes. Once you know where you are and accept it, you start to see that you don't have to stay there! Unless you want to that is!

  3. A negative thought is holding me back: Let's identify what is going on, process through the emotion and choose a better way forward together. The negative thoughts can be so sneaky but trust me, you can be set free. Don't let them pile up. As the old saying goes, speak the truth and shame the devil! Let's discover the truth and kick the lies to the curb together.

  4.  I know what I need to do, but I don't do it: Athletes excel when they have a good coach to help them get to where they want to go, let me help you excel! What areas of your life are you just plain tired of experiencing the same thing over and over? Let's talk about it! You may have more control than you think! I can help you rebuild trust with yourself again.

  5.  I'm okay, it is these people I have relationships with that are the issue!: Let's find a healthy path forward so you can have the fulfilling, life giving relationships you desire.

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